A Successful 2015

By TKG’s President, Sarah McNulty

Looking back at 2015 we had many company accomplishments that will propel us toward new horizons in 2016. Last year marked another record period of growth and profitability and we expanded our service offerings to include health information technology consulting for both health systems and life science firms. Additionally, the company opened a new business unit in Ireland to oversee global operations.

Our other projects included our ongoing partnership with the American Medical Group Foundation (AMGF), including multiple collaboratives between industry and large health systems; a collaboration with the Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (COSEHC) that was awarded a CMS Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative grant to implement a Practice Transformation Network with 3,400 providers in the Southeast; and our selection as Special Event Partner at the 2015 eyeforpharma Real World Evidence & Market Access Summit, which focused on improving market access through leveraging shared priorities between pharma and health systems.

“While revenue is an important benchmark for performance, I prefer to think of our work in terms of lives influenced,” said John Strapp, The Kinetix Group’s Co-Founder and Chairman. “Our patient engagement models, delivered through health plans and systems across the US and abroad, made an impact on more than 50 million people last year. That’s what inspires us to continue growing and innovating.”